Welcome to SueHirschberger.com!
Set SAIL on the most extraordinary journey of your life...
adventures that promise to Spark An Inspired Life!
Break away from your current course, and let the wind catch your sails to become part of the new vision of peace, sustainability, balance, and creativity. As you explore the tools in Set SAIL courses, sessions, and retreats, you will begin to feel at home with yourself...inspired, connected, and trusting your inner compass.
You are a microcosm of the whole, inextricably linked with the greater web of life...as you take responsibility for your well being, you are creating health for the whole. Find the buried treasures that await you on your journey...Set SAIL now!
"Where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world." ~Joseph Campbell
Sue Hirschberger holds a master's degree in education, with 25 years in leadership and facilitation. She works as a Life Empowerment Coach, with individuals who are wishing to release old fears, access authentic life purpose, and find the courage to live ones greatest potential.